About Us
Making Abilities Count educational program is designed to teach adults the individualized skills needed in order to function at their maximum ability in the community and to give them work skills so they can transition into employment and/or living independently.
Making Abilities Count provides services to adults 18 years of age or older who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability. Each individual served has an Individual Program Plan based on their personal needs and desires. The staff take pride in providing quality service to enhance the life of each person served. Many individuals served have gained the skills needed to live in their own homes with assistance.
Enrollment Criteria
To qualify for services at Making Abilities Count individuals must meet the following criteria:
Must be 18 years of age or older.
Must receive Medicaid.
Diagnosed with one of the following disability by age of 22.
Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, spina bifida, Downs syndrome or is attributable to another specified condition (other than mental illness) found to be closely related to an intellectual disability that results in:-
Impairment of general intellectual functioning.
Adaptive functioning deficits similar to those of persons with an intellectual disability.
Requires treatment and services similar to those required for such persons and the disability constitutes a substantial impairment to the person’s ability to function in at least two of the following six categories as related to a categorically qualifying diagnosis or condition:
Understanding and use of language
Capacity for Independent Living
Adaptive functioning deficits which constitutes a substantial impairment to the person’s ability to function in at least two areas listed above.
The following items are required before enrollment into the Adult Program:
Physical examination and prescription for care (completed by primary care physician). They must use Forrester-Davis Center forms.
Physician Plans of Care (Forrester-Davis form completed by physician)
Special Olympic Physical (Forrester-Davis form completed by physician)
High school diploma in under 22 or if home schooled a letter stating they completed all IPP’s
Immunization records
Social security card
Medicaid card
Picture ID card
Guardianship papers if they are not their own guardian
Copy of birth certificate (if possible)
Social history and health history (Forrester-Davis forms)
Download Application Below:

If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the forms please contact:
Ona Dunlap
M.A.C. Coordinator

Educational Services

Supported Employment